Monday, March 25, 2013

Ready for fun ? Cocktails Time

Tonight I wanted to share some awesome and special pics with you all ! I have a weakness about sweets as you can obviously tell, but here is another one : cocktails. I love them all; starting from bitter to sweet, from light to strong and the list keeps going on and on. They are the perfect combination for my deserts and I am the luckiest girl for having the "mysterious man" (as he prefers to be anonymous) home to prepare me and other members his awesome treats. As you can imagine we're a great team ! I would love to share with you the recipes of these awesome cocktails as I do with my deserts, but my "mysterious man" prefers to keep them secret ! Hope you enjoy and there are more episodes to come, so stay tuned 

After Christmas Cocktail : 
Peruvian Pisco Cocktail : 
 Sweet Pomegranate  Cocktail : 
Pineapple Exotic Cocktail : 
 Sambuca Cocktail : 
Apple-Mint-Mojjito : 
 Wild Martini Cocktail : 
Blue Lagoon Cocktail : 
 Strawberry Cocktail :

♥ Kiki ♥


Thanks so much for the adorable comments that make my day!
Thanks for being part of my life! ♥ you all