Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Sweet Beaten Egg

Hello there my lovelies! Hope you are all doing great and trying my recipes and most important enjoying them! I was really surprised when I heard that one of my friends had never tried a sweet beaten egg. I said How does that come?! and that made me wonder if you have ever tried such thing. This is one of my faves recipes as I was a little girl and I like to cook it time after time now 2. You can eat it whenever you feel like, but it is more a breakfast meal. It is really simple and we always have these 2 ingredients home, so if you feel like you want something sweet, but don't have the right ingredients for an ordinary cake here is the solution! 

Pershendetje te dashur! Shpresoj qe te gjithe te jeni mire dhe te jeni duke provuar recetat e mia dhe me e rendesishmja t'i shijoni ato! Isha shume e cuditur kur degjova nje shoqen time e cila nuk kishte provuar kurre veze te rrahur. I thashe: Si ka mundesi? Dhe kjo me beri te mendoj nese ju e keni provuar ndonje here kete gje. Kjo ka qene nje nga recetat e mia te preferuara kur isha vajze e vogel dhe me pelqen ta gatuaj here pas here. Mund ta hani kur te deshironi, por une preferoj ne mengjes. Eshte shume e thjeshte dhe ne te gjithe i kemi keto perberes ne shtepi, keshtu qe nese ndieni se doni dicka te embel, por nuk keni te gjithe perberesit per nje kek te thjeshte, ja ku eshte zgjidhja!

Ingredients for sweet beaten egg:
  • 1 egg separated egg white from yolk 
  • 1 1/2 dish spoon sugar
  • 1 veze e ndare e verdha nga e bardha 
  • 1 1/2 luge gjelle sheqer
In a soap plate put the egg white and beat it until fluffy. It must be fluffy because otherwise will not be good. There are 2 ways to see if it is fluffy enough. With the fork you were beating the egg take some off the measure and if it looks like you are cutting the measure with fork(if you know what I mean) than the measure is ready. You can also turn the plate upside down and if the measure does not start to drop than the measure is ready.
Ne nje plate gjelle vendos te bardhen e vezes dhe rrihe deri sa te jete kremoze dhe me gezof. Perndryshe nuk do te jete e mire. Ka 2 menyra per te pare nese eshte kremoze sa duhet. Me pirunin qe ke rrahur vezen merr nje pjese te mases dhe nese duket sikur ndahet me thike(nese me kuptoni c'dua te them) atehere masa eshte gati. Ju mund te ktheni pjaten permbys dhe dhe nese masa nuk bie atehere eshte gati.
 Add the yolk and mix them together until the whole measure will be in yolk color
Shto te verdhen e vezes dhe perziej se bashku deri sa masa te kete marre ngjyren e te verdhes se vezes
 Add sugar and stir the measure. Now you have to dissolve the sugar. More you beat it, more creamy will get and this is what you want. I prefer it really creamy so I beat it about 5 to 10 minutes
Shto sheqerin dhe perziej se bashku. Duhet te shperbesh sheqerin. Sa me shume ta rrahesh, aq me shume kremoze behet dhe une keshtu e dua. E pelqej shume kremoze prandaj e rrah per 5 deri ne 10 minuta
 Bon Appetit 
 If you never heard about this recipe you must know how to eat it : cut bread into normal pieces (with hand no need for knife) and put them in the beaten egg measure, stir them together with a spoon and your breakfast/or whatever meal is ready to be tasted by you!
Nese nuk keni degjuar me pare per kete recete ju duhet te dini si hahet : copetoje buken ne copa normale dhe zhyti ne kete mase, perzieji se bashku me nje lug ose pirun dhe mengjesi ose cfare do vakti qofte eshte gati te shijohet nga ju!

♥ Kiki ♥


  1. Ua ca kujtimesh me zgjoi kjo recete. E beja shume shpesh kur isha e vogel dhe i shkoja babit nga pas i cili kishte durimin dhe fuqine per ta rrahur vezen aq shume. Heren e pare kur e ktheu pjaten kokeposhte jam mahnitur nga magjia e vezes. Me buke te thekur shkon shume :)

    1. haha me vjen mire qe nuk qekam un e vetmja qe e haja kete lloj ushqimi. Dhe une e adhuroja (ende me pelqen) ajo pjese e kthimit te pjates me koke posht :)


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