Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Chocolate Mousse

One of the "best things ever"! MUST be in your kitchen list. It is easy to make and delicious!

Nje nga te emblat me te mira! DUHET te jete ne listen e guzhines suaj! Eshte e thjeshte per t'u gatuar dhe shume e shijshme!

Ingredients for chocolate mousse:
  • 227 grams bitter chocolate
  • 85 grams margarine or butter
  • 3 large eggs (separated)
  • 1 dish spoon rum or cognac (I'm using Vecchia Romagna)
  • 350 milliliter whipping cream
  • 227 gram cokollate e zeze
  • 85 gram margarine
  • 3 veze te medha (te ndara)
  • 1 luge gjelle rum ose konjak (une po perdor Vecchia Romagna)
  • 350 mililitra ajke (pana a embel)
 Set a large bowl over a saucepan or a bigger bowl of barely simmering water and melt the chocolate and margarine or butter in it, gently stirring it until smooth
Tret cokollaten e zeze dhe margarinen ne banjo-mari derisa masa te jete homogjene dhe kremoze
In another bowl beat yolks until white color
Ne nje tas tjter rrih te verdhat e vezeve deri sa te zbardhen
Put the beaten yolks in the chocolate+margarine bowl and mix them together. Add the rum or cognac and stir them again. Let them cool
Vendos te verdhat e rrahura ne tasin me cokollaten dhe margarinen e shkire dhe bashko se bashku. Shto rumin ose konjakun dhe perziej se bashku. Lere te ftohet
 Beat the whipping cream and the white of the eggs in two different bowls
Rrih ajken dhe te bardhat e vezeve ne 2 tasa te ndryshem
 Stir all the ingredients together. Put the chocolate measure in the whipping cream bowl and take care so the whole measure will be homogeneous
Perziej te gjithe perberesit se bashku. Vendos masen e cokollates ne tasin e ajkes se rrahur dhe kujdesu qe masa te jete njetrajtesisht e perzier
 Add the beaten eggs and take care so the measure will be homogeneous and fluffy+creamy
Shto te bardhat e vezeve te rrahura dhe kujdesu qe masa te jete homogjene dhe kremoze
 Distributed the measure to the bowls and let them cool in the fridge for 30 minutes
Ndaje masen neper tasa individuale dhe leri ne frigorifer per 30 minuta
 Bon Appetit

♥ Kiki ♥


  1. Ne vend te panes se embel a mund te perdorim pana te zakonshme dmth jo te embel , por thjesht duke i shtuar sasi sheqeri me shume ? :)


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