Monday, July 23, 2012

Peanut Butter Cookies

Lately I've been trying lots of recipes with peanut butter (smooth one) and I can say now that I love it! I can't eat it just as it is though, it is to heavy for me that way. These cookies are super easy to make and even more delicious. They are really soft inside and have a chewy texture (that is awesome, believe me). If you love peanuts, you will definitely love this recipe! 

Se fundmi kam provuar shume receta me gjalpin e kikirikut (te butin) dhe mund te them se me pelqen tej mase. Dhe pse nuk mund ta ha sic eshte pasi me duket teper i rende. Keto biskota jane shume te thjeshta per t'u pergatitur dhe akoma me te shijshme ne te ngrene. Kane nje teksture pak elastike dhe shume te buta nga brenda (gje qe i ben keto biskota te mrekullueshme). Nese i pelqeni kikiriket, do ta dashuroni kete recete (jua siguroj)!

Ingredients for Peanut Butter cookies:
  •  192 gram flour
  • 1/2 tea spoon baking powder
  • 1/4 tea spoon salt
  • 113 gram unsalted butter, at room temperature
  • 100 gram sugar
  • 110 gram brown sugar
  • 1 large egg
  • 1/4 tea spoon vanilla extract (I'm using vanilla crystals)
  • 223 gram smooth peanut butter

Perberesit per biskotat me gjalp kikiriku:
  • 192 gram miell
  • 1/2 luge caji baking powder
  • 1/4 luge caji kripe
  • 113 gram gjalp i embel, ne temperature dhome
  • 100 gram sheqer
  • 110 gram sheqer kaf
  • 1 veze e madhe
  • 1/4 luge caji ekstrakt vaniljeje (une po perdor kristale vaniljeje)
  • 223 gram gjalpe kikiriku i bute (jo me copa kikiriku)
 In a bowl put both kinds of sugar with butter and beat together for 3-4 minutes until they get thick and nice and pale and creamy. This makes a huge difference in your cookies; promise
Ne nje tas vendos te dyja llojet e sheqerit me gjalpin dhe rrihi se bashku per 3-4 minuta derisa te krijohet nje mase e trashe dhe e kendshme, ne ngjyre te hapur dhe kremoze. Kjo ben nje ndryshim te madh ne biskotat tuaja, ju premtoj
Add the egg and vanilla and keep stirring 
Shto vezen dhe vaniljen dhe vazhdo te perziesh
Add the peanut butter and do same, stir until creamy 
Shto gjalpin dhe e kikirikut dhe bej te njejten gje, perziej derisa masa te jete kremoze
Add the salt and baking powder to flour, stir them good and put it to the batter. You have to put the flour spoon by spoon while mixing it, is really important and it will effect to the texture of your cookie
Shto kripen dhe baking powder tek mielli, perzieji mire dhe shtoja brumit. Duhet ta shtiesh miellin luge me luge  gjate kohes qe je duke e perzier, eshte shume e rendesishme dhe ndikon ne teksturen e biskotes
Give another stir with your spatula
Jepi dhe nje te perzier me spatulen 
The best and fastest answer is ice-cream scoop. If you don't have one in your kitchen go and buy one at nearest market because it is the best solution to many little deserts. So what you have to do now is to scoop the batter in a baking sheet, make sure to put them apart from each other because as they bake they spread
Zgjidhja me e shprejte dhe me e mire eshte luga e akullores. Nese nuk keni nje ne kuzhinen tuaj atehere dilni dhe blini nje ne marketin me te afert sepse eshte zgjidhja e duhur per shume embelsira te vogla. Ajo c'ka duhet te beni eshte te shperndani masen (me lugen e akullores ) ne nje leter furre por kujdesuni qe t'i vendosni larg njera tjetres pasi kur piqen ato hapen
Flatten the cookies with your finger (gently) 
Sheshoji pak biskotat me gishta (me kujdes)
Using a fork make a crisscross pattern on top of each cookie
Duke perdorur nje pirun bej form crisscross ne cdo biskote
 Baking Temperature : 176 grade C,    Timing : 15-18 minutes or until they are lightly golden around the edges
Temperatura pjekjes : 176 grade C,    Kohe-zgjatja : 15-18 minuta ose kur te kene marre ngjyre kafe te arte ne ane  
Bon Appetit

♥ Kiki ♥

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