Sunday, February 12, 2012

Banoffee Pie

I'm 16 years old and I don't have many time for cooking lessons. I mean I cook all time, most sweets as you may have notice; but I don't have time to capture every move I make as I do in these posts! So this is a "promise" I've made : I will cook every weekend a new desert/sweet so I will have the chance to post more and show you more! This is fun and interesting for me first and you second that will know how to make different deserts and sweets! This is called Banoffee Pie and it had a great taste! I got to be honest : cooking it was a bit difficult for me because it was my first time and I had a bit difficulty with caramel layer while evenly on the base. You got to wet often the back of the spoon while evenly the layer. The rest is ok and I had no problem! Are you ready to be "Banoffed?" :

Jam 16 vjec dhe nuk kam shume koher per leksionet e gatimit. Du ate them une gatuaj gjate gjithe kohes, kryesisht te embla sic mund ta keni vene re, por nuk kam koha te fotografoj cdo levizje qe bej sic tregoj neper poste! Prandaj ky eshte nje “premtim” qe kam bere : Do te gatuaj cdo fundjave nje embelsire te re ne menyre qe te kem mundesi te postoj me teper dhe t’ju tregoj juve me shume! Kjo eshte nje menyre interesante per mua ne radhe te pare dhe ju ne radhe te dyte qe do te shihni receta te ndryshme! Kjo eshte e quajtur Banoffee Pie(nuk mund ta perkthej) dhe ka nje shije te mrekullueshme! Per te qene e sinqerte : gatimi ka pak veshtiresi gjate perhapjes se shtreses se karamelit ne baze. Duhet ta lagni shpesh kurrizin e luges kur te barazoni kete shtrese. Pjesa tjeter eshte ne regull dhe pa problem!

Ingredients for banoffee pie:
  • 16 Digestive biscuits (you can use other kinds 2, like: Graham crackers, Ginger biscuits...)
  • 92 gram cold melted butter or margarine
  • 125 gram butter or margarine
  • 125 gram brown sugar
  • 400 gram tin of sweetened condensed milk
  • 200 ml whipped cream 
  • 3-4 bananas 
  • Cocoa powder

  • 16 biskota te thjeshta Digestive (jane te rrumbullaketa dhe lexojne Digestive, jane me drithera dhe te thjeshta, mos perdorni biskota cfare do te thjeshta sepse ne Shqiperi biskotat "e thjeshta" nuk e kane shijen e kerkuar)
  • 92 gram margarine e ftohete e shkrire (perdor Bitay)
  • 125 gram margarine 
  • 125 gram sheqer kaf 
  • 400 gram kanace qumesht i embel i kondensuar (jo Panda pasi nuk eshte cilesore) 
  • 200 ml ajke e rrahur
  • 3-4 banane
  • Pluhur kakaoje
You need a cake tin
Te duhet nje tepsi me pjesen anesore te levizshme
And a food processor(I'm using this one) or a polythene bag with a rolling pin
Gjithashtu nje mikser ose okllai me nje qese qe mbyllet
Prepare the caramel : Melt 125 gram or butter/margarine in a pan adding sugar. Heat over a low heat and stir until sugar dissolves
Pergatit karamelin : shkrij 125 gram margarine ne nje tenxhere dhe shto sheqerin. Vloje ne temperature te ulet dhe perzieje masen deri sa sheqeri te shperbehet
Once the mixture starts to foam, add in the condensed milk and bring to boil
Sapo masa te kete filluar te shtohet dhe te flluskoje, shto qumeshtin e kondensuar dhe kalo ne vlim
Turn the heat down to simmer and continue to stir for about 5 minutes until you have a lovely thick caramel. Turn off the heat and allow to cool
Ule temperaturen e zjarrit dhe vazhdo te perziesh per rrethe 5 minuta deri sa te arrish ne nje mase te lezetshme te trashe karameli. Hiqe nga zjarri dhe lere te ftohet
 For a faster process put the pot with caramel in a larger pot filled with cold water. Stir time after time. When it will be difficult to stir, than you'll know it's perfect for the next step
Per nje ftohje sa me te shpejte vepro si me banjo-mari por kete here me uje te ftohte. Perziej here pas here. Kur te behet e veshtire per t'u perziej atehere eshte gati per hapin tjeter
For the base you need to crush the biscuits finely (in food processor or in a plastic bag)
Per bazen ju duhet t'i thyeni biskotat imet(me mikser ose me qese plastike dhe okllai)
Add cold melted butter/margarine in biscuits bowl and mix well biscuits with butter (with hand or a wooden spoon)
Shto margarinen e shkrire te ftote tek tasi i biskotave dhe perziej mire me margarinen(me dore ose me luge)
Pour the base mixture into the pie tin and press it flat and even (will your hand or any cooking tool which is flat, you can use even the bottom of a water glass or whatever glass)  
Shtieje masen ne tepsi dhe me dore sheshoje ne menyre te barabarte(mund te perdoresh dhe nje mjet te sheshte si fundi i nje gote uji etj),
Pour in the cooled caramel and spread evenly over the base. You can use the back of the spoon wet in warm water to evenly over the base. Chill in the fridge for a 1 1/2 hours
Shtiej tani karamelin e ftohur dhe shperndaje ne menyre te barabarte. Perdor kurrizin e nje luge te lagur me uje te ngrohte here pas here per ta barazuar me bazen. Lere te ftohet ne frigorifer per 1 1/2 ore
After 1 1/2 hour peel and cut the bananas in slices 
Pas 1 1/2 ore qero bananet dhe priji ne copa
Remove the tin and place the sliced bananas in 1or2 layers on the caramel(I did it in only one layer because my slices were big in some kind of way). Return in the fridge for another 30 minutes
Hiqe pjesen anesore te tepsise dhe vendoset bananet e prera ne 1 ose 2 shtresa (une po vendos vetem nje shtrese sepse i preva bananet trashe). Lere perseri ne frigorifer per 30 minuta te tjera
After 3o minutes sprinkle the pie with cocoa powder 
Mbas 30 minutash sperkate me nje site me pluhur kakaoje
Pipe on the whipping cream in blobs (1 blob per banana slice) and sprinkle once more with cocoa powder. Since I didn't had time to whip the cream by hand I left it liquid more than creamy and splash it over bananas. In your personal plate you can do some other decoration like different fruits or ice-cream!
Me mjetin e duhur krijo nje top me ajken e rrahur per banane dhe sperkate dhe nje here me pluhur kakaoje. Meqe une nuk kisha shume kohe ta rrihja ajken me dore e lashe te lengshme me teper se sa kremoze dhe e sperkala gjithandej siper bananeve. Ne pjaten tuaj personale mund te beni dhe dekorime te tjera si fruta te ndryshme apo akullore!
 Bon Appetit
I had company today, so do you?! Well here is what will blow their mind; just be creative :
Sot kisha miq, e njejta gje dhe per ju? Atehere ja cfare "i cmendi" fare ata, thjesht ji kreativ:

♥ Kiki ♥

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