Saturday, January 21, 2012

Oven Fish with Vegetables

Hello there dear readers! Deeply sorry for not being able to post anything lately! I've been really busy with school and exams, projects so I didn't have time to capture every step while cooking! 2 days ago a friend of our family brought us a huge wild sea fish. Seriously, it was my first time to see a fish that big for real(not in movies I mean :P) The fish weight 30.8 pounds can you believe that! I'm showing you the head for the fish because the whole fish picture wasn't in good quality! 

Pershendetje lexues te dashur! Me vjen sinqerisht keq qe nuk kam mundur te postoj dicka se fundmi! Kam qene teper e zene me provimet, projektet; prandaj nuk kam mundur te fotografoj cdo hap gjate gatimit! 2 dite me pare nje familjar na solli nje peshk te eger "gjigand". Seriozisht, ishte hera ime e pare qe shikoja nje peshk aq te madh prej verteti(jo ne filma dua te them:P). Peshku peshonte 14 kile, mund ta besoni kete? Po ju tregoj koken e peshkut sepse fotot ku kam kapur peshkun e plote nuk ishin te nje kualiteti te mire!
This recipe is one of my favorites, and it not too difficult to cook it either. You can do it other ways to(I will show them 2 in other posts). I am not showing how much I'm using in every ingredient because It depends on how much and for how many people you are cooking.  If you find it that difficult let me know! 

Kjo recete eshte nje nga te preferuarat  mia(e di qe e them shpesh kete e duket sikur eshte bere klishe, por c'te bej une qe me pelqejne kaq shume ushqimet :P) dhe nuk eshte e veshtire per t'u gatuar. Mund ta gatuash ne menyra te tjera (do t'ju tregoj keto ne postet ne vijim). Nuk po ju tregoj se sa duhet te perdorni per cdo perberes pasi varet se sa shume do te gatuani apo sa persona jeni. Nese e gjeni kete te veshtire me lajmeroni!

Ingredients for oven fish with vegetables:
  • chopped fish 
  • tomato
  • carrots
  • paprika(not spicy)
  • onions
  • kitchen white wine
  • laurel
  • black pepper
  • salt 
  • oregano
  • garlic bulbs(optional)
  • peshk i prere 
  • domate
  • karrota
  • speca(jo djeges)
  • qepe
  • vere e bardhe kuzhine
  • dafine
  • piper i zi
  • kripe 
  • rigon
  • thelbinj hudhre(optionale)
Cut the onions in cubic (not in small pieces)
Pri qepet ne kubike jo ne copa te vogla
In a sauce-pan with 3 dish spoons corn oil fry the onions in medium flames. Stir them time after time until they become light brown color
Ne nje tenxhere me 3 luge vaj misri skuq qepet ne flake te moderuar. Perzieji here pas here deri sa te marrin nje ngjyre kafe te hapur
Meanwhile peel the tomatoes and cut them in cubics (not in small pieces)
Nderkohe qero domatet dhe priji ne kubike jo copa te vogla
In the onions sauce-pan add salt ans stir
Ne tenxheren me qeper shto kripe dhe perziej
Add tomatoes and do the same (stir them time after time)
Shto domatet dhe bej te njejten gje (perziej here pas here)
Clean the paprika and cute in medium cubics, and than set aside
Pastro specat dhe priji ne kubike normale, leri menjane
Peel carrots and cut them in medium pieces(you don't need them small)
Qero karrotat dhe priji ne copa normale (nuk ju duhen te vogla)
In the sauce-pan add the paprika and stir
Shto specat ne tenxheren dhe perziej
Add black pepper and Oregon and stir the measure. Turn off the flame and set aside
(I forgot, but I'm telling you so you wouldn't do my "mistake" if we can call it like this, in this moment put the laurel leafs so the measure will take that good smell and taste they have)
Shto piperin e zi dhe rigonin dhe perziej masen. Hiqe nga zjarri dhe lere menjane  (Harrova : por po jua them tani qe te mos beni te njejtin "gabim" qe bera une, tani eshte momenti qe te shtoni dhe gjethet e dafines pasi nese e beni tani dafina do ta leshoje shijen e saj tek kima dhe shija dhe aroma qe do te merrni ne fund do te jete marramendese)
In a baking pan put the chopped fish and salt them both sides, make sure to have one line of chopped fish 
Ne nje tepsi vendos copat e peshkut dhe sigurohu qe lyhen me kripe nga te dyja anet, siguhoru qe te kesh vetem nje shtrese me peshq (jo me shume pasi do te kesh probleme ne pjekje)
Add the cooked measure on the chopped fishes. Than add carrots making sure the measure will be homogeneously spreed  
Shto kimen e gatuar mbi peshqit ne tepsi. Pastaj shto karrotat dhe sigurohu qe masa te jete shperndare ne menyre homogjene
Add kitchen white wine, than add laurel(if you didn't add them first) 
Shto veren e bardhe te kuzhines, pastaj shto dafinen(nese nuk e beni ne fillim)
Baking Temperature : 200 grade C,    Timing : around 1 hour
Temperatura pjekjes : 200 grade C,    Kohe-zgjatja : per afersisht nje ore
In the middle of baking time turn upside-down chopped fish 
Ne mes te kohes se pjekjes ktheji peshqit nga ana e kundert
Cooked casserole :
Tava e gatuar:
Bon Appetit

♥ Kiki ♥

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