Friday, September 9, 2011


We have all heard about the famous Brownie, it is always in a restaurant menu and we all look for that delicious cake! But why not cook it ourselves?!
Te gjithe kemi degjuar per te famshmen "Brownie", eshte gjithmone ne menune e restoranteve dhe ne te gjithe kerkojme per kete embelsire te shijshme! Por, pse nuk e gatuajme vete?

Ingredients for the cake:
  • 4 eggs
  • 150 gramme flour
  • 150 gramme melt bitter chocolate
  • 175 gramme margarine or butter
  • 380 gramme sugar
  • 2 tea spoons baking powder
  • 24 gramme bitter cacao
  • 4 veze
  • 150 gram miell
  • 150 gram cokollate e zeze e shkrire
  • 175 gram margarine
  • 380 gram sheqer
  • 2 luge cajibaking powder
  • 24 gram kakao e hidhur
Ingredients for the top layer:
  • 200 gramme bitter chocolate
  • 1 and a half deciliter whipping cream
Perberesit per shtresen e siperme:
  • 200 gram cokollate e zeze me bitter chocolate
  • 1 1/2 deciliter ajke 
Put in the bowl margarine or butter and sugar and mix them together with a wood spoon until they become one
Ne nje tas vendos margarinen dhe sheqerin dhe perzieji se bashku me nje luge druri deri sa te behen nje
Add one by one the eggs while you are mixing the measure
Shto nje nga nje vezet dhe perziej perseri
After that add in the bowl the cacao with baking powder. Stir them together and add the melted chocolate
Pas kesaj shto ne tas kakaon dhe bakind powder. Perziej se bashku dhe shto cokollaten e shkrire
In the last step you should add the flour in the bowl and stir the measure 
Ne hapin e fundit shto miellin dhe perziej deri sa masa te behet nje
After you finished the preparation of the cake put it in a pie-pan with a baking paper
Pasi te kesh mbaruar me pergatitjen e mases vendos ne tepsi nje leter guzhine

Baking temperature : 175 grade C,  Timing : 35 minutes
Temperatura pjekjes : 175 grade C,  Kohe-zgjatja : 35 minuta
For the preparation of the top layer:
Put in a stew-pan whipping cream and let it boil
Per pergatitjen e shtreses se siperme:
Ne nje tenxhere shtiej ajken dhe lere te zieje
Add the chocolate and mix them together
Shto cokollaten dhe perziej se bashku
Baked cake
Keku i pjekur
Add the extra part and put it in the fridge for one hour 
Shto pjesen e siperme dhe lere ne frigorifer per nje ore
 Bon Appetit    

♥ Kiki ♥

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