Eshte nje nga ushqimet me te famshme dhe me te vjetra do te thoja! Zgjedhja e duhur per nje darke familjare dhe nje nate mes shoqesh! Por ne vend te porositjes, pse te mos e gatuajme vete?!
Ingredients for the pizza:
Put all the ingredients in a big bowl and work them with one hand
Vendosi te gjithe perberesit ne nje tas dhe punoje me nje dore
Take a clean bag and wrap the bowl just like in the picture
Merr nje qese te paster dhe mbeshtille tasin si ne foto
Also take a cover and wrap the bowl. This will help the dough to get horn
Merr nje mbulese dhe mbeshtille tasin. Kjo do te ndihmoje masen te hipi(te fryhet)
After 35 minutes take off the cover with the bag from the bowl
Mbas 35 minutash hiqe mbulesen dhe qesen nga tasi
Work the dough with wet hand
Punoje brumin me dore te lagur
Dye with corn oil a baking-pan(big one so the dough of the pizza can be thin)
Lyeje tepsine me vaj misri(ne nje tepsi te madhe ne menyre qe brumi te jete i holle)
Put the dough in the baking-pan and open it with your hands
Vendose brumin ne tepsi dhe hape me duar
Bake the dough with 150 grade C for about 20 minutes until the dough become wheat color
Piqe brumin me 150 grade C per afersisht 25 minuta deri sa brumi te marre ngjyre gruri
For the fill in of the pizza you can use whatever you like!
I'm using: tomato sauce, peppers, tuna fish, ham, grated cheese and pizza cheese
Per mbushjen e pices ju mund te perdorni cfare do perberesi qe deshironi!
Une per perdor : salse domateje, speca, ton, proshute, djath i grire dhe djath picash
Fill in the pizza dough with the wanted ingredients
Mbushe grumin e pices me perberesit e deshiruar
Baking Temperature : 200 grade C, Timing : until full baking
Temperatura pjekjes : 200 grade C, Kohe-zgjatja : deri ne pjekje te plote
Bon Appetit
♥ Kiki ♥
Madje edhe salca mund te pergatitet vet! :)